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Students from the Cotter 5th grade participated in their (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) D.A.R.E. graduation yesterday afternoon. Family and friends were in attendance to help them celebrate.Students from the Cotter 5th grade participated in their (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) D.A.R.E. graduation yesterday afternoon. Family and friends were in attendance to help them celebrate.

School Resource Officer, Deputy Matthew Guthrie introduced guests at the graduation, Instructional Facilitator Misty Haynes, Superintendent Vanessa Jones Thomas, Librarian Chris Jaeger, and Sheriff John Montgomery.School Resource Officer, Deputy Matthew Guthrie introduced guests at the graduation, Instructional Facilitator Misty Haynes, Superintendent Vanessa Jones Thomas, Librarian Chris Jaeger, and Sheriff John Montgomery.School Resource Officer, Deputy Matthew Guthrie introduced guests at the graduation, Instructional Facilitator Misty Haynes, Superintendent Vanessa Jones Thomas, Librarian Chris Jaeger, and Sheriff John Montgomery.

School Resource Officer, Deputy Matthew Guthrie introduced guests at the graduation, Instructional Facilitator Misty Haynes, Superintendent Vanessa Jones Thomas, Librarian Chris Jaeger, and Sheriff John Montgomery.

Several students were recognized for their individual achievements during the year: River Harris, Abigail Kasinger, Sebastian Knight, Joey Harber and McKenna Collins.

Guest Speaker Sheriff John Montgomery spoke to the graduating class about respect and congratulated them on their accomplishments this year.

Guest Speaker Sheriff John Montgomery spoke to the graduating class about respect and congratulated them on their accomplishments this year.