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Baxter County Patrol Vehicle
Archive: September 2013

New SADD Chapter at Cotter High School

Deputy Eddie Elliott was assigned to the Cotter School District at the beginning of this school year and has started the year in high gear.  Deputy Elliott has started the DARE program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) of instruction again and has a new SADD chapter to help with his programs.  SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) a national program that was started over 30 years ago to us peer to peer youth education to help students avoid alcohol and other drugs. 

The New SADD chapter officers are from left to right: Alex Hyde (Vice President), Shawna Martin (Secretary), Samantha Hodges (Treasurer), and Kaitlyn Dewey (President).

Maryanne Edge Retires on Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th has an ominous meaning for some but came as a well-deserved day for Ms. Maryanne Edge as she retires today from the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office.  Maryanne has been with the Sheriff’s Office for 9 years and seen numerous changes in records management and administrative requirements during her time with the administrative division. Maryanne has helped foster one of the best Sex Offender registration and tracking programs in Arkansas. Due to her diligence with this program the Sheriff’s Office has received state wide recognition.  Maryanne has been a valued member of the Sheriff’s staff and will be missed.  But from the Staff and Deputies we all wish Maryanne as happy retirement and good luck in all of her future endeavors.

Maryanne's Retirement Cake

Maryanne receives a plaque in recognition for her years of service to the Sheriff's Office and the Citizens of Baxter County.