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Baxter County Patrol Vehicle



     Baxter County Sheriff’s Deputies experienced a busy Independence Day holiday weekend this year. 

     There were 47 complaint calls or calls for service made to the Sheriff’s Office from Thursday through Sunday.  There were 41 bookings made at the Baxter County Detention Center by all agencies during this time covering 79 separate criminal charges.  Some of these bookings were for:

7 Driving While Intoxicated
4 Drug or Drug Paraphernalia Possession
4 Domestic Battery or Assault
4 Boating While Intoxicated
10 Warrants Served
4 Minor in Possession of Alcohol
3 Public Intoxication 

     In addition to the Detention Center bookings, Sheriff’s Deputies issued:

13 Citations for Traffic Violations or Criminal Misdemeanors
16 Warnings for Traffic Violations

     The most significant call involved a domestic disturbance shooting incident Friday evening, July 5th in Norfork where a man shot his brother in the face and upper torso with a 12 gauge shotgun, which was previously reported by press release.  This incident resulted in the arrest of CHARLES RAY DICKERSON, 54 years old of Norfork, on charges of Battery in the First Degree and Felon in Possession of a Firearm.  The victim was transported to a medical facility in Little Rock. 

     Sheriff’s Deputies assisted with coordinating and monitoring the fireworks displays at Norfork Lake on July 3rd and at Bull Shoals Lake on July 4th.  The Sheriff’s Office provided water patrol deputies for several hours per day throughout the holiday weekend.

     All area campgrounds and resorts appeared to be occupied at or near capacity.  The Sheriff’s Office worked jointly with U. S. Army Corp of Engineers Park Rangers in patrolling public campgrounds and public use areas on Norfork Lake and Bull Shoals Lake.

/s/ John F. Montgomery,
Baxter County Sheriff